Ons jaarlijkse (rond) de 11e van de 11e feest

2023Elemental Party
2022Masked Fairytale Party
2022 Hotelgasten Party
2019Jungle Boogies Party
2018Hippies & Hipsters Party
2017Lawaai op Hawaii Party
2016Glitter & Glamour Party
2015SuperHeroes Party
2014WalkingDead Party
2013Beach Party
2012Pirates Party
2011Smiley Party
2010Army Party
2009Harry Potter Party
2008Ice Age Party
2007Gothic Punk Party
2006Dubbelfris Beachparty
2005Fairytales Party
2004Pirates of the Caribbean Party
2003Aladdin 1001 Nacht Party
2002Halloween Party
2001Sixties Party
2000Flintstones Party
1999Western Party
1998Nightmare Before Christmas Party